Friday, August 30, 2013

Never Stop Exploring

What is your passion?
I believe that every moment and every story is apart of, and significant, to the larger picture.  The more I can experience, the more I feel alive.  
I hear people so often say, "if I could do anything with my life I would travel." 
What is stoping people from doing what they love? 
I've finally refused to not follow my passion and have decided to take every opportunity I can to travel, and do what it takes to make it happen. 
Lead with your heart, not your head.
 Its all one big leap of faith and the rewards are well worth it.  I hope my passion for traveling will spark the passion inside you to seek what you are passionate about.  Below are the snapshots of trips in my life so far that have a larger role in who I am today.  Hopefully it'll give you a moment to escape your daily routine and see life through a different lens.  

Keep it simple and keep smiling